Stream of Consciousness #2, Edited.

8:49 pm Stories

Again, another exercise. Yes I know #1 hasn’t been posted. It’s cool. I might not do these any more. But they are fun for now.

Back on the couch again. This time for a good reason. Snow day! Hells yeah. So many pictures. I need to go through those. Maybe write about it? Haha… who cares.

I don’t think I get wine culture. There’s something to it, I’m sure. Most wine tastes awesome to me so I have a hard time discerning. Like, expensive ass wines taste good. But generally so do regular ones. But then you stack a reaaaaally good wine against a shitty one and it’s no contest. Funny how that works.

Snow day. So good! Took the good camera out to get some decent photos. Shot some video. Super peaceful. Probably freaked a few people out with my camera but that’s how it usually goes. Getting low on the ground, pointing it towards people’s cars and houses. Most people hate that. I don’t really care to be honest, because I have the right to do so. USA! USA! Besides, its not the car I care about, its the icicle on the car or whatever. I zoom. I keep your license plates private. I am a good neighbor. Worry not.

Lots of kids out. Some with parents even!

Love walking past teenagers as an adult. It’s hilarious. [EDITED: TMI] It was funny, they were all yelling and what not, then we quietly came around the corner. We weren’t even listening to them or [EDIT: Too subjective]. But they stopped what they were doing because they were worried they would get in trouble. [EDIT: Too judgmental]. I had to stop and wait for [EDIT: Privacy protection]. So there I was staring at these three teenage boys with snowboards looking mean in my [EDIT: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas]. Finally [EDIT: Privacy protection] caught up with me and we went on or way. I didn’t say a word as I stared at them all. I know. [EDIT: Too judgmental]. I used to [EDIT: Withdrawn by author].

So, there’s this one song. Every time I hear it, it pulls on some weird emotional heart strings. Edit that one? Yeah right. I’ll stop myself on that one.

The other nice thing was there were parents out, keeping an eye on things. It’s not like there were gangs of teenagers causing trouble. Nope. We went along some trails and kids were sledding down as parents watched. One kid almost lost it but managed to level out towards the bottom as we were passing by. We shouted ‘He’s fine!’ to the top of the hill and the kid waved as if to say thanks. We moved on. The future bobsledders of [EDIT: Not that funny] or something like that.

Enough editing my own thoughts. Time to not do that anymore. There… feels better [EDIT: Redundant]. Done for now.

Not sure I liked that much…

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