“Achievement Guides”

12:25 am Games for Points, Gaming

Dear Internet,

Please stop publishing “Achievement Guides” that simply list the all the possible achievements found in a game. I can do that from within the game itself. A guide is supposed to tell me the best way to get certain achievements, not just tell me what they are.


Sir Haxington

2 Responses

  1. The Internet Says:

    Dear Sir Haxington,

    We apologize for the confusion and will correct this error. Thank you for your feedback.

    The Internet

  2. Cinnasticks Says:

    Dear Sir Haxington:

    As you are already like uber king of achievements, I hardly see the need to supply you with new information to “make number bigger” I am probably never going to catch up with you on your Gamer Score and I will be lucky to get equal with you on geocaches.

    Your jealous hater friend,


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