The Fat Cat Ate A Rat

11:56 pm Stories

Warm and content, slept the fat tabby cat.
On a cold winter’s night, he spotted a big gray rat.

The rat was too slow and didn’t see it coming.
The cat leapt from his bed and gave the creature a numbing.

The rat ceased to exist but the large cat was not finished.
The fat flabby tabby was soon to be nourished.

Half of the rodent swiftly disappeared.
It was then my wife saw what she had feared.

“GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR!” she shrieked at high pitch.
I was enthralled and so moved barely an inch.

I knelt down level to see all the action.
My wife covered her eyes and demanded a distraction.

The cat was gleefully chomping away.
The muscle and bones were all on display.

I watched and I listened and I heard the crunch-crunch.
On half of the body did the large kitty munch.

It became too much. My wife left the room.
She screamed and she begged for me to leave too.

As she moved to a new room the cat eyed her vector.
He stopped his commotion and moved from his sector.

He bounced into the air, up off his prey.
His shook off his paw which began the ballet.

The half-rat-half-nothing was flung through the air.
One foot to the side, the spleen was still there.

The legs and the tail and the waist were splayed out.
Back on his warm pad, the fat tabby did pout.

I left the room too and we watched some TV.
Anything to take her mind off of what was outside and bloody.

A half hour passed, maybe a bit more.
I went back and checked what was outside of the door.

I assumed the mess would be gone. I was misled.
Kitty was asleep, curled up on his bed.

The half and the spleen were very much there.
I hope it leaves soon for my personal welfare.

And to my wife who now sleeps without a care in the world:
I can’t wait to see you in the morning hon, hopefully you will not hurl.

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  1. ShortSkirts Says:


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